Approves of it when not in the later stages of pregnancy.
Is against the Patriot Act because he feels that it invades people's privacy.
Wants to please everyone. Kerry wants to improve the international bonds that he feels were damaged when George
Bush charged into Iraq.
Supports George Bush's "No Child Left Behind" program, but feels that they need more funding for the program to
work properly.
Would like to pull out no matter what, but a specific plan to get the troops out hasn't been released.
Wants to increase tax cuts for middle-class citizens.
Doesn't approve of gay marriage, but believes in, civil union rights, that allow gay people to have the same rights as
those in a traditional marriage
Kerry wants to make it legal to get cheaper drugs from Canada. He also wants to supply all Americans with equal
health care.
George W. Bush
Is not a supporter of it and is pro-life.
Approves the Patriot Act; was approved of under his administration.
Wants to improve bonds as well, but feels that "If you are not with us, you are against us." Bush obviously wants
to keep the bonds and make new ones, but won't stick around to wait and see what everyone else votes on.
Also wants to improve funding for "No Child Left Behind."
Plans to keep troops in Iraq for as long as it takes to make it an independent nation. He feels that going into
Iraq in the first place was completely right and has no regrets.
Wants to create more tax cuts for the wealthy Americans.
Is against gay marriage. (On a side note: the vice president's daughter is gay, which may taint opinions that
the Bush administration would have on the subject).
Bush does not support the "popular idea" of importing cheaper drugs from Canada. Like Kerry, he also feels that
every American should have affordable health care.