Solving Voter Apathy 2004

Length of Campaign Platforms

Lack of Information About the Candidates
Length of Campaign Platforms
Inconvenience of Voting
Negative Advertising
Political Cartoons
George Bush's Website
John Kerry's Website
Ralph Nader's Website
Vanishing Voter Project

"My mind has just gone blank," a Florida replies when asked in a survey to describe the political parties.  This lack of knowledge is demonstrated nation-wide due to the lack of definitiveness between two canidates on how they stand on issues, and the length of the party platforms.

  • Candidates could shorten the length of the platforms.  In the 1940's, each political platform, for both parties, were about 300 words in length.  This number shot up in the 1980's, spanning each platform to about 20,000 words. 
  • Why the sudden urge to make everything longer?  There are a few more issues that need to be addressed in this day and age, but not to a point where the platform is now over 66 times longer than the ones in the 1940's.
  • Endless promises fill up these platforms, promises which are not likely to be kept by a candidate.  If candidates could be honest and directly to the point, people would not be so confused on where each candidate stands on the issues.
  • Do you feel that a candidate will say and do almost anything to get themselves elected?  That is the way many Americans feel.  If a candidate were to run for pure reasons (simply to make his country better) and to "play by the rules", than many Americans wouldn't be so concerned on a candidates motives and the ways he goes about getting himself elected. 

Helpful Tip of the Week:
Watching the news on television isn't one of the best ways to find out information on the elections and the canidates who are running; the media will often stylize the facts.  Use in internet to track down sites that contain valid information (such as the one you are reading) and newspapers and magazines that have sources you can trust.

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Site by Meag and Katrina
Last updated: October 26, 2004
Thomas E. Patterson articles