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Did you know that whales are fantastic singers?!

 The Blue Whale
                   Scientific Name: Balaenoptera musculus
                   Status: Endangered
                   Size:  The biggest animal on Earth! The Blue Whale can grow up
                        to 100 feet long and weigh up to 160 tons! 
                   Found:  The uppermost level of the pelagic zones throughout the
                   Diet: Small crustaceans
                   Response to Humans:  The unique sound that these whales use
                        to communicate with one another has fancinated humans for
                        centuries.  We have created imitations of these noises and
                        tried to deciper what they mean.
  The Humpback Whale
                   Scientific Name:  Megaptera novaeangliae
                   Status:  Endangered
                   Size:  This whale can grow up to 52 feet long and can weigh up to
                         30-50 tons!
                   Found in:  The uppermost layer of pelagic zones throughout the
                         world.  They migrate from warm climates to cold climates to
                   Diet:  Plankton, small crustaceans, and krill
                   Response to Humans:  Just as other whales, the humpback whale
                         is a fantastic singer.  However, the humpback is the loudest of
                         all his other whale friends.  Scientists do research on the
                         humpback and often imitate their songs in an attempt to
                         decode the songs.
  The Gray Whale
                   Scientific Name:  Eschrichtius robustus
                   Status:  Protected Species
                   Size:  The Gray Whale can grow from between 45-50 feet and
                       weigh up to 36 tons!
                   Found in:  The uppermost layer of the pelagic zone, but must dive
                       down to the bottom of the ocean to feed.
                   Diet:  Plankton, mollusks, and crustaceans are the basis of the
                       Gray Whale's diet.  They dive down to the bottom of the ocean
                       and suck these animals right out of the sediment!
                   Human Response:  In the past, gray whales were hunted for many
                        things that humans needed from their bodies, such as blubber
                        and their bones.  They are recovering from that time, and are
                        now are considered a protected species, which is a step above


By Meag and Katrina

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