Pelagic Layers/Zones

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Pelagic Layers/Zones
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Epipelagic:  Ranging from the ocean' surface down to the 200 meter point, this pelagic zone is close enough to the surface to get sunlight, allowing for photosynthesis to happen.  Many plants are evident in this layer because of their need for sunlight.  Other creatures living in this layer include sharks, tuna, and many other types of fish


Mesopelagic:  Ranging from the 200 meter marker down to about 1000 meters, not enough light can penetrate through at this depth for photosynthesis to occur.  Very few plants exist at this level.


Bathylpelagic:  Ranging from the 1000 meter point down to the 4000 meter marker, at this depth it is almost pitch black.  Bioluminescent animals are abundant at this level, and although they are a predator of many animals, the most dangerous predator in this zone is the sperm whale.  Giant squid can also be found in this dark world.


Abyssolpelagic:  Ranging from the 4000 meter marker down to the uppermost part of the ocean floor, it is completely black.  The animals in this level are blind and colorless, and have evolved in such a way to survive in their unique environment.  The term abyss means bottomless, and was used to describle this point in the ocean when scientists believed  that the ocean was indeed bottomless.


Hadopelagic:  This point in the ocean is described as the deep-sea trenches and the deepest points of the ocean.  This term was derived from the Greek word Hades, the god of the darkness and the underworld.

By Meag and Katrina

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